Ipswich Garages
Demoltion and replacement of garages
At Capstan Group Services, has over 30 years of experience working in refurbishments, and we specialise in a wide range of remediation services tailored to meet the unique needs of various industries. From fire protection [passive] asbestos remediation, surveys and building refurbishments our team of experts is equipped to handle all aspects of building remediation with precision and care.
Project details
Principal Contractor
Value: £300,000
Client: Ipswich Borough Council
Contract: JCT IBC
Duration: 14-weeks
Key Points
- Bespoke garages
- Ground works
- Asbestos removal
Capstan secured the project through an open tender process and scored high on both methodology and pricing. The works were spread over several sites in the Ipswich area and works involved
asbestos removal,
demolition of existing garages,
tarmac installtion,
new fencing,
new drainage,
parking lines,
installation of 60no. new garages
general making good.
Due to the site locations being used as general walk-throughs Capstan had to ensure the sites were kept secure and efficiently closed off making use of high-quality hoarding and signage.
Capstan made the most central site their operations hub for all materials and operatives to minimise disturbance to local residents while maximising productivity.
Letters were hand delivered to all nearby residents when the next location was about to be come live. This was well received by all residents and zero complaints were received by the council during the works