Chelmer Housing
Social housing asbestos removal
At Capstan Group Services, we specialise in a wide range of building remediation services tailored to meet the unique needs of various industries. From fire protection [passive] asbestos remediation, surveys and building refurbishments our team of experts is equipped to handle all aspects of building remediation with precision and care.
Project details
Framework Contractor
Value: £500,000
Client: Chelmer Housing
Status: Completed
Contract: JCT Framework Agreement
Duration: Three years
AIB Soffits & Panelling
Bitumen Adhesive
AC Garage/Shed Roofs
Thermo-plastic Floor Tiles
Chelmer Housing Partnership (CHP) are a large social housing trust operation in Chelmsford, Essex. The majority of their stock housing is mid-twentieth century and contains Asbestos Contaminated Materials (ACM):
Cement out-houses/garage roofs, internal and external AIB, thermo-plastic floor tiles, bitumen adhesive, and textured decorative coatings.
Key issues were combatted with extensive liaison with Chelmer Managers and direct with the tenants through our Resident Liaison Officer working in accordance with
our RLO Policies & Procedures.
Key Issues:
• Disabled tenants were unable to leave their properties
• Some tenants could not physically move household goods so we had to assist
• Social workers/family members required notifying before the works could commence
• Elderly tenants were hesitant to provide access and need additional reassurance
• Dependant on layout/build, etc. certain areas had to be isolated before works could start
The Chelmer Housing project shares many similarities with the Camden tender, such as occupied social housing, street & high rise properties, removal and disposal of ACM’s, non-native speaking tenants, and void works.